Thursday, February 03, 2005


It's been so very cold. And wet. It was supposed to snow yesterday/last night, but it didn't. It takes a discerning eye to see the beauty in this weather, but it has been beautiful. Because God controls the weather.

I sent in my application for the teaching internship. But I still need to find a place to do my counseling internship. I have choices I must make and things I must do. Still God is in control of my future.

I wonder where Nathan is. I haven't heard from my cousin in a long time. Only crude forwarded emails. I wonder if any of my family knows where he is. Maybe I should try emailing him again. That boy needs to get his life straightened out. He's got some real potential. God knows where Nathan is.

In chapel today, the speaker told about 8 stories about people. At about 3 or 4 I began analyzing his style, because I want to be a great storyteller. We are God's story. And God is the best storyteller.

This week's Torah portion as well as my own wandering mind have led me to think more and more that God is The Boss. And we are small and depend on him for everything. We really have no say in the matter. We may feel powerful, but we're not. We may think that God had elevated us to a level equal with him, but we're not equal with God. He owns us. Our job is to obey. We don't have any room for negotiations. No room to say, but I thought we were buddies. God is the Sovereign Lord and Master.

I hear testimonies about how people have been supernaturally brought to Christianity. But I've also read amazing stories about how secular Jews have come in contact with a Rabbi and later became devout Orthodox Jews and were so glad because it changed their lives and they really got to know G-d. Mormons feel a burning in the bosom when they read the Book of Mormon. Buddhists talk about how freeing and wonderful Buddhism is. People give testiomnies about how some self-help guru changed their lives. What is real? What matters? Do many roads lead to God? I don't think so. Counterfeit is so close to the real thing. We don't decide who goes to heaven or not. God decides what happens after we die. He can judge however he wants. In the meantime, he has told us what we ought to do. Just because we do what he told us doesn't mean he has to be nice to us in the afterlife. But I figure it's a good idea to obey God. He keeps his word. That's the only limit on what he's gonna do. It has to line up with scripture from beginning to end. The only security we have is his Word. For those who don't have the Bible, there is the hope for Mercy. But we've been warned. I don't know what I'm trying to say in this last paragraph. But I'm convinced that we ought to obey the commands from Torah. Yet God seems to use people who have aspects of truth, but trample the rest of truth underfoot. Maybe if you comment, I'll be able to explain some more. God is Merciful and True.


Joshua and/or Joy said...

I wrote a great response comment, but it got swallowed up into the great beyond. My basic point was that the written Word of God and the living Word of God can't be separated. If you have a Jesus relationship that can't jive with the whole Bible, it's something less than what it should be. The real Jesus is the one that the entire Bible speaks about. Until we can see Jesus in the Bible from cover to cover, we don't really know him.

I don't know about the people who don't know about scripture. But if you know anything True about the Lord, then you know something from scripture. I submit that what can be known about God is no more or less than what can be found in scripture.

Anonymous said...
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Joshua and/or Joy said...

Anonymous said...

"My thoughts: Jesus is the Word of God, but it all ties in with love. Christ is the ultimate show of love and the Bible is the ultimate record of love."

BCB: Glad you like what i wrote.

note: to eliminate confusion, when you post as anonymous, please put a name at the bottom, for example...



one thang



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