Tuesday, November 08, 2005


"You are to rise in the presence of the elderly and honor the old. Fear your God; I am the Lord.

Did you know that verse was in the Bible? When was the last time you heard somebody preach about rising in the presence of the elderly? Does this commandment not apply to you because it's in the middle of a bunch of dumb Old Testament laws that don't matter anymore, even though in the same chapter verse 18 contains the command "Love your neighbor as yourself"? Did Paul or Jesus ever say, "it's okay to stay seated in the presence of the elderly and to tell jokes about them and make fun of their infirmities."? Is this one of those "ceremonial laws" that Calvin said we don't have to obey? Maybe it's just a cultural commandment and standing up had some special significance for Jews.

Maybe it does in our culture too. Watch one of those court tv shows. When the judge enters you hear "all rise". When the honored bride walks down the aisle everyone stands. Standing is an act of respect even in our culture. Sitting all relaxed and comfortable sends another message.

Old people may be hard of hearing. They may walk bent over. They may be hard to understand. They may tell strange long stories. But why do we really mock old people in our society? We love youth. If only we could gain wisdom from the elderly. They may not be fast and quick and strong. But maybe we can learn something.

And notice the last part of the verse. Respect for senior citizens is tied to and parallels respect for God.

What if honoring the aged is not ceremonial or cultural? What if it really is a moral issue?

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