Tuesday, November 11, 2003

old school journal 11.11.03

the other day i was listening to genny owens. i heard a song that i first heard over a hear ago. it's called "I Am" i used to listen to it often before i would go to witness in dallas.

the song uses the examples of moses, david, and mary. God asks them to do great things for him. but they feel so insignificant and ask how God is going to do this through them.

"it's not your problem, God replies, i can do anything. there's a bigger picture you cant see. you dont have to change the world, just trust in me. i am your creator; i am working out my plan. and through you i will show them I am."

it's refreshing to know that i dont have to change the world. that burden is God's to carry, not mine. when i speak to an unbeliever, it's not my job to change his heart; i cant do that. i must present God to him in the best way i can, but the rest is up to the Spirit. trust and obey, there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey.

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