Wednesday, January 14, 2004

old school journal 1.14.04

this morning i woke up and i noticed that it seemed really dark. and the clock said it was late enough that it should be light out. and so i got ready for the day and stepped outside and it was so stinkin foggy. i couldn't even see any of the enormous buildings on campus. i felt my way to the cafeteria and had breakfast. the applesauce was extra cinnamony today.

i had my first class today. yay!

i start work tomorrow at the achievement center. i had orientation for this job on monday. i will be a tutor. so that means i get to feel smart. i will have to be confidential just like in counseling, because some people dont want other people to know they are getting help at the achievement center. but all kinds of people go to the achievement center for many various reasons. even over-achievers can achieve a little more. so you should stop on by and somebody will help you. and i wont be allowed to tell anybody. and another policy they have there is that i am not allowed to do any tutoring outside of work. period. so if you want me to help you with a paper, you have to schedule an appointment at the AC.

today, president bridges described a bad dude that he sat next to on a plane. it could have been me. i have worn a piece or two of fubu clothing, i listen to loud music loudly, and i may someday read the communist manifesto.

in conclusion: be salt and light.

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