Wednesday, March 24, 2004

old school journal 3.24.04

i haven't been doing much on the site lately because it's so frustrating. it's tough to log-on, and then it doesn't save. i think it's the computers here, because it's kindof the same with my email.

ok so i've been studying this week's parshah and i've been amazed at how much i'm getting out of it. it is the first 5 chapters of Leviticus, about the sacrifices and stuff. last year i learned all about how they were done and everything. it was like woopee, but what does that mean for me? this year i'm seeing the symbolism and the driving force behind the sacrifices. it's so cool!

the theme that's being hit home to me is humility and dignity. one thing that has made humility such a difficult concept is that i focused on humility within myself. the idea that "i need to be more humble within myself". but humility is toward God. it's not so much about making yourself less, but making others more.

our weakness shows God's strength more clearly. but we must also remember our own worth. when we think that we are so insignificant that it doesn't matter what we do, then we don't think it matters what we do, so we do anything. but knowing our worth, we know that what we do matters, and we seek to advance God's kingdom with our actions. it's the same with prayer. if we think our prayers don't matter, we wont pray.

God has chosen for us to be a pivotal part of his plan. Adam in his pride tried to grasp for godliness, (your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil) and was disobedient, but we are to be like Christ who did not consider godliness something to be grasped but made himself a servant and he was obedient. we must be obedient knowing our proper place in the sceme of things, that we are not insignificant, but we are not the greatest.

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