Friday, March 05, 2004

old school journal 3.5.04

yesterday it rained and stormed. today it's bright and sunny and it's supposed to stay this way for a week. a week from today i'll be on spring break. yesterday i was in the library during the storm. i went into the achievement center to work. nobody came in for tutoring. all the tutors sat in silence for an hour. then at quitting time we all got up and left. during the storm, i decided to go take a look outside. it was crazy wet and windy. the window doors were kinda fogged up, so i decided to open the door and get a better looked. i cracked the door and was instantly soaked. buckets of rain were blown in on me. it literally felt like a shower, and not one of those low pressure shower heads. by the end of work it was bright and sunny.

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