Saturday, March 27, 2004

old school journal 3.27.04

this last week i learned about humility (much more than what i have written). my goal for this coming week is to do exactly what God wants for me to do. a big part of humility is realizing who you are in relation to God; and basically knowing your role, not trying to be someone greater or less than you are, but being one piece of the cosmic puzzle that fits where it is supposed to fit.

since i was very young, i've felt a sense of mission. i was a smart, rational kid. i reasoned, "i'm saved. now i get to go to heaven. that's pretty much what i've been told. but there's more to it; otherwise, the moment i prayed that prayer, God would have taken me up to heaven. but he left me on earth for a reason. i must be left here to tell other people about salvation, so that they can pray that prayer and tell others and so on and then eventually we'll all go to heaven." over time i have realized that, while "witnessing" is important, we are left on earth for a far greater reason. we are here to live. my job is not just to try and get myself and a bunch of people to heaven. the real purpose of living is to bring a piece of heaven to earth. and well, as a result of that taste of heaven, people will be hungry for more.

so anyways, i want to do my specific part that God has for me and no one else. the piece of heaven that only i can show to people.

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