Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Israel and Edom

Jacob and Esau both had alternate names.
Jacob got his name changed to Israel because he wrestled with God and wouldn't quit until he received a blessing, even though he got tired and injured.
Esau was called Edom, which means red, not because he had red hair, but because of how much he wanted some "red stuff."
When Esau asked for some of that red stuff that Jacob was cooking and Jacob told him give me your birthright first, Esau's response was, "I'm gonna die, what do i need my invisible birthright for?"
Jacob was concerned with getting things that matter. Esau just wanted whatever he felt like at the moment. Edom’s philosophy was, “eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.” The descendants of Israel have a different approach to the immanence of death with the phrase, “repent one day before you die.”

So later when they go to Isaac to get their blessings and the whole famous thing happens, Esau gets really mad. He had earlier freely given up his rightful blessing, but now he was mad because he saw that Jacob had it. How childish. I don’t want it, but you cant have it.

As it says in Galatians 6 each one should test his own actions without comparing himself to someone else.

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