Saturday, November 20, 2004


This week's Torah portion will be Genesis 32:3 - 36:43.

Now I'm going to talk a little about this last week's portion and respond to Anonymous's comment in "l-i-v-e e-t-e-r-n-a-l-l-y"

Jacob has a dream and sees angels ascending and descending on a ladder connecting heaven and earth.

So, angels, are they physical or spiritual? Spiritual, but they have physical attributes. They can be seen and heard. They can touch things. What kind of body does God have? Do we know? He is spirit. But is that all? Was Jesus any less God by having a physical body? Or should we accept the heresy that he only seemed physical?

I am not saying that we are going to be resurrected and be exactly the way we are now. No, we will be changed. Imperfect will become perfect. But must we be changed into something so radically different from how we were originally created? God created the physical world and called it good. Gnosticism calls the spiritual good and the physical bad. Buddhism seeks release from the confines of the physical. But the ladder connecting heaven and earth, Jesus, walked the earth as a physical person, died a physical death, and was physically resurrected.

What do we know? How does one divide between the physical and spiritual? Is breath physical or spiritual? Are words physical or spiritual? Thoughts, emotions, love, greed... physical or spiritual?

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