Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Catch Up

I was going to post friday, but Blogger was down for the 45 minutes that I was on the net that day.

I've been listening to early Beatles. Great stuff.

Sunday my fellow torah people and I celebrated Shavuot (The Feast of Weeks/ Aka Pentecost). We had fajitas and stuff. It was fun times. So on Shavuot, Jews commemorate the giving of the Torah. As believers in Messiah, we rejoice in the Torah as well as in the great things LORD did by his spirit after Messiah's resurrection. Shavuot has all kinds of meaning for the past and the future, but I'm not going to go into that right now, but Shavuot is the completion of what was begun at Passover. The two feasts are linked in many ways. Passover is celebrates our freedom from slavery to the world. Shavuot celebrates our freedom in slavery to LORD.

You know about the manifestations in Acts 2. Exodus 20:18 says the people saw the thunderings and lightning and trumpet and smoke. Nearly everywhere else the word for thunderings is translated as voices. Nearly everywhere else the word for lightnings is translated as torches. The Rabbis have a teaching (that goes back who knows how long) that "voices" plural means that God spoke in the 70 languages (tongues) of the 70 nations of the world. 70 is just the number they use, but the point is that they taught that God gave the Torah in every single language, so we can assume that the Torah is for everybody. Because of the word "torches" and the fact that the verse says the people saw voices, the Rabbis say that God's voice broke into sparks or tongues of fire that rested on the head of each person at Mt. Sinai. I just think it's interesting how the rabbis' description of the first shavuot and the apostles' experience at the first shavuot after messiah's ascension parallel.

Onto a different subject. My car got broken into on sunday night. When I left for work monday morning I found that a little window on the back door had been broken out and my stuff was thrown around, but nothing was taken. this morning i saw that my door lock had been messed with a big rectangle's knocked out. But I'm OK. It'll be alright.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still think the giving of the Torah and the giving of the Holy Spirit on the same day means something.