Monday, May 23, 2005

The Past Few Days

At work, many people have been coming back after taking a leave of absence. One such person is “John the Baptist.” I have heard a lot about him from other people. They say that he is very dogmatic, if you don’t believe the same as him, then you’re wrong. They say that he is condescending. I haven’t had a lot of interaction with him, but I don’t think he’s that bad. People said he tries to start theological arguments with people, but he hasn’t started any with me though I almost wish he would. I would rather not hear what other people have to say about John. I want to get to know him myself. What I do know about him is that he attends a small christian college, the name of which I do not remember. He tries really hard to push the products that we are supposed to be pushing. “We have these cookies on sale for 99 cents. You should buy at least one.” He is a preacher, not a pastor. He made a big deal about it when I was in the service office. He’s taking Hebrew. When he mentioned that, my manager told him that I know Hebrew. I hadn’t told the manager that, I figured Ben must have told him, but he said he was just saying that and didn’t actually know that I knew Hebrew (did you follow that?). So anyways, John asked me if I knew what my name means in Hebrew. I told him it means “the LORD saves.” He asked me the same question several times in various ways, I tried to give him the answer he wanted giving him the answers Yehoshua, Yeshua, Yaweh saves, Jehovah saves. Then he asked me what my name is in Greek. (He doesn’t know that I also know some Greek). And I finally figured out what he was wanting me to say, and I decided to make it difficult. I said Iesous. Then he said, “Now say it in English.” Then I said, “Joshua” (hehe) pause... “or Jesus.” There ya go. He just wanted to hear me say that Joshua is the same as Jesus.

The other night I got an extra roommate. Jacob is from Kansas/Oklahoma. He’s interning at a Spanish radio station down here. Ben’s been out of town for two weeks. It’s kind of nice having someone else in the apartment, especially at night. Jacob’s cool. We went driving the other night so that he could find his way to church and work. We took a detour through Dallas. And he was just flabbergasted at the big ole buildings. He was like a little country boy in the big city (I guess he pretty much actually was).

Last night I saw Lemminy Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. It was one of those that I kind of liked but kind of didn’t. It was sort of what I expected. I like the style, but the story could have been better. It seems like they tried to pack too much in, but left a lot out. Okay, enough of my critique of a little kid’s movie.

Wednesday night I leave for Colorado for my li’l brother’s graduation!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, i saw "A series..."blah blah blah too. It was weird. I expected it to be weird, but it was a dumb weird. I won't see it again-kinda dumbb i thought. I'll see ya soon!