Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Kingdom of God

In Numbers 25, Phinechas, Aaron's grandson, thrusts a spear through a couple of fornicating idolators. God praises him for being zealous/jealous for God's honor, and stopping God's wrath. Yet even with God's wrath halted, 24,000 people had died.

The Kingdom of God. God as King. Rebellion against a king is treason and deserving of death. God had a lot of people killed in the days of Moses, Joshua, and the Judges. He used natural disasters, plagues and people to wipe out lots of people. In the prophets we see that God would use nations to punish nations.

I believe God is still the same. He can use war and nature for his own good and just purposes. Everybody dies sometime. God can decide when and how. I think we miss some of the messages he is sending by means of wrath, because we like to think that he's not like that anymore. When terrible things happen I think we should point the finger at God and ask "Why?" He might have an answer that we should listen to.

"Hear O Israel, YHVH our God, YHVH is one. Blessed be the Name of his Glorious Kingdom for all eternity." It is recited three times a day by observant Jews. In doing so, they are to be accepting God's reign in their lives. Agreeing to live as obedient servants to YHVH their King.

"The Kingdom of God is within you." Am I in my mind a slave to God's law? Am I still in my flesh a slave to sin? Am I trying to serve two masters?

With my mouth and my heart I pledge allegiance to God alone. The blood of patriots (and rebels) may give us a temporary superficial freedom, but the blood of Messiah gives us true freedom.

YHVH Nissi. The LORD is my Banner. (anybody remember the childrens church song "his banner over me is love"?)

Cuz this is just crazy!

read more about the picture here.

read more of what I've written about the Shema (Hear O Israel) here, here, here, and here.

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