Wednesday, February 23, 2005


I discovered Yahoo! Calendar. Well, actually, I didn't discover it. I was shown it. It's been a tab in my mailbox the whole time. Why didn't I ever think to use it before? Now I can finally see how busy I actually am.

I recently started my practicum for my counseling degree. Three days a week I hang around at a Counseling Center that works mostly, but not exclusively, with recovering adicts. I attend group therapy sessions and the weekly staff meeting and I sort papers. I'm enjoying it so far for the most part. I probably wont talk about it much on here for ethical/confidentiality reasons.

I'm still tutoring at uni (I think that's some sort o' british type slang for university. Black Country Boy can clear it up for ya in the comments if he wants) in the Achievement Center. But I'm only tutoring on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. I have one student each of those mornings.

And I've been working at Central Market. Yipee!

Tonight I went to Bible study at Olive Tree, the place I go on Saturdays. I just think it's so cool how Bill, the leader/teacher guy, lets the kids interupt any time. No matter how weird, off topic, and silly their question or comment may seem and no matter how long it takes for them to spit the words out, he listens and responds with respect. I think that's very cool.

I thought this was going to be a more interesting and not as generalized post, but now it is what it is and I gotta go and my brain is turning to mush and my roomate's talking to me about his My Little Pony.


Joshua and/or Joy said...

"summat" is also sumpthin americans don't say.

your slang is part of the fun of reading what you write.

when i finished this post i thought it seemed like i'm not as busy as i feel. after classes, practicum, tutoring, and work, i still have some time left over. but i realized i split that time between homework, hanging out with my girlfriend and whatever else i need to do.

Joshua and/or Joy said...

I forgot to mention that it was at the counseling center that I discovered Yahoo! Calendar. All our schedules are on there and whatnot.