Thursday, February 24, 2005

Today at work

It felt like I was at work forever. I was only there for 4 hours. I think that's the shortest possible shift, maybe 3 hours is. But as soon as I got there I wanted to leave. I checked the clock every 3 or 4 minutes which helped make those hours drag on and on.

So a woman wanted to buy some flowers. The stems were wet and they were loosely wrapped in little plastic sleeves. She handed me the flowers and I tried to scan the bar-code. But those little lines wouldn't scan. I tilted the flowers this way and that trying to find an angle and distance at which it would scan. Just before I was about to move on to more drastic measures, such as typing in the bar-code numbers, I heard a bleep. So I finished checking her order. "Thank you, have a nice day, yadda yadda yadda."

Then I looked down. I don't remember which I noticed first; the small puddle of water on the counter, or the relatively big spot of water on my pants. Those stinking flowers! The placement was perfect. My little brother couldn't have placed a better wet spot on my pants.

I grabbed a paper towel and wiped off the counter, and I helped the next customer. But I didn't dare step out from behind my one and a half foot wide counter of protection. I think she saw it though. She smiled. I think my face felt warm.

"Thank you. Come again." I knelt down behind the counter and scrubbed my pants furiously with a paper towel. And of course I had to decide to wear khakis today. I usually wear jeans, and the spot wouldn't have been as noticeable on jeans. But no.

A pleasant lady pushed her cart up and said, "You look like you need something to do." (No I don't! I'm definitely doing something right now!)

I stood up and scanned her groceries. She smiled. Sure customers smile all the time. But she was inwardly laughing at me. I just know it.

I had been wondering what I should do. Should I call a manager and explain what happened and get permission to go clean up? I finished with her and switched of the register light and walked quickly up to the bathroom. Grabbed some paper towels and used friction and absorption to dry my pants.

My pants dried and I finished the four hours. I don't think any of my coworkers saw the spot. So I wont be mocked unless they happen to read this. Not likely.

Stupid flowers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aww, poor little guy! Sometimes life is just so hard, huh?
PS: My phone does still work, so whenever you feel like talking to me, your little bro, your pal, then give me a ring!