Monday, February 07, 2005


Tommorow's Fat Tuesday. The next day is Ash Wednesday. Those of you who follow church tradition already know that. The rest of you Christians need to get with the pope and open your eyes to the multitude of pagan holidays that you can celebrate. Easter just isn't the same without Mardi Gras.

I haven't felt like writing lately. Well, actually, I've wanted to write, but I don't know what to write about.

So the Super Bowl was last night. John Elway wasn't playing, so I didn't really care. In my mind I can still see #7 making that dive toward the endzone and getting spun around like a helicopter by those Packers in Super Bowl XXXII.

This week's Torah Portion is about the tabernacle. When people decide to read through the Bible and start in Genesis, this is where most people begin to give up.

Ok, that's all I'm writing tonight.

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