Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I went to the Counseling Center today. It looks like I'm going to be doing my practicum there. I'm a little excited about it.

As much as I want to be a teacher, I also want to do this counseling stuff. It's okay, I'm young. This is the time for me to test a bunch of water before diving in anywhere.

Hurrah! I just found my contacts case! I'm getting tired of only wearing glasses all the time. I was planning to go buy another one this afternoon. But there they are.

I am planning to go get my phone fixed today. It's doing this thing where I can clearly hear the people talking to me, but they can't hear me. I don't know why Joy seems to think that I enjoy not being able to respond to her on the phone.

My roomate, Ben, got asked to preach at campus days chapel on the 18th. That's one of the biggest honors for a ministry student here.

gotta go

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