Thursday, January 20, 2005

Pax Americana

I’m not a big fan of politics. My discussion topic of choice is usually religion. I didn’t even realize that yesterday’s post was on the eve of the Presidential Inauguration. (you can read the inagural address here)(i fixed the link).

I’m not a Republican, I’m not a Democrat. I’m a little bit liberal, a little bit conservative. I like to think of myself as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. So my citizenship on earth isn’t that big of a deal. Of course I am free to say that because I live in America. But even if I was in a more restricted country, I hope I would try to obey God rather than men.

George W. Bush is president. Good for him. He’s not the perfect Christian leader, he’s not evil incarnate. He’s an imperfect human being. I’m pretty sure he’s doing the best he can to help people. I’m pretty sure he’s got some selfish motives. Woopdidoo.

American style freedom isn’t the best hope for peace in our world. What if every country had a government of the people by the people and for the people? The world would still have the same problems it has always had.

My mind is running every which way, so I'm going to leave this unfinished and just wrap it up. I'm sorta wishy-washy when it comes to politics. I'm more firm when it comes to faith. But I still don't have all the answers and I could be mostly wrong on most of what I believe. I'm open to that possibility. Read Bush's address and tell me what you think about it in the comments.

And when you comment on religious type stuff and I argue with you, it's not because I'm right, you're wrong and that's the way it is. It's because God is a big deal to me; I don't want to settle for less than the best when it comes to that area of my life. Let's walk and talk about Jesus and hash out the most excellent way. I don't expect a smooth ride. It hasn't been so far. Let's get down and dirty following this Jesus guy.

OK. I'll stop for now. If anybody's reading this, I would greatly appreciate some comments.

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