Sunday, January 02, 2005


"...Your love is teaching me how, how to kneel"

Snakes. blood. frogs. God enabled Moses and Aaron to perform miracles to convince Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. But the magicians of Egypt did the same with their secret arts.

Balaam (the guy with the talking donkey) knew the name of the LORD. Whoever he blessed was blessed and whoever he cursed was cursed. God spoke to him. He was used by the Lord. But he was an idolater, he did not follow God. He was killed for giving advice that would lead Israel to sin.

Deuteronomy 13 talks about prophets with signs and prophecies that come true, but if they teach you to follow other gods they are not to be listened to.

Matthew 7:15-23 talks about false prophets who seem like good people. And goes on to talk about people who drive out demons, perform miracles and prophecy in the Lord’s name, they think they are actually serving the Lord, yet they are called doers of lawlessness.

People can claim to be giving you a message from God, but we have to be able to determine whether they’re teaching you to follow the One True God who Abraham and Moses followed or if they’re teaching you to follow a false god.

Mormons, Jews, Christians and Muslims all claim to follow the same God that Abraham and Moses followed. Yet each religion thinks that the other religions aren’t following Him correctly. Each religion has it’s own set of holy books, yet they all agree that the “Old Testament” is scripture.

Acts 17:11 “Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the scriptures everyday to see if what Paul said was true.”

The commandments in the Torah were spoken by God to Moses. Moses had somewhere between 200,000 and 6 million witnesses. The witnesses actually heard God’s voice at first, but then they thought it would be better if God just spoke to Moses. I think the ten commandments were the only thing God spoke to a big group of people. The rest of the time he spoke to individuals. If anybody else claims to speak for God, what they say has to line up with what Moses wrote.

Muhammad claimed to have received the Quran from God. But the Quran contradicts Moses.

Joseph Smith claimed to have revelation from God. But Christians reject his teachings because they don’t line up with the Old and New Testament.

Jesus spoke against the Jews who had already begun to add laws and traditions that contradicted their own scriptures.

Do Christians have teachings that disagree with what God said to Moses?
Can Christians look at the "Old Testament" with the Bereans and agree that what Paul said was true?

Who is teaching people to follow the true God and who is preaching a false god?

"Lights go down, it's dark The jungle is your head..."

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