Tuesday, March 22, 2005

File & Sort

I've known for a while that my girlfriend has an affinity for filing and sorting stuff such as papers, mostly money related.

I just realized today how much filing I have done in my life. But not having to do with money.

At my tutoring job, I file student's folders all the time and don't mind it one bit. At my practicum I've been doing a lot of filing of clients' charts and don't mind it. At Central Market we each have a little file pouch with sections in which we file the reciepts for the different credit card brands and cupons.

I remembered today how, when I was younger, I would spend hours organizing my baseball, basketball and football cards according to my favorite players, favorite teams, all star players, card brand, card number, etc.

I also had my kid novels organized according to author, subject, book distributor, etc.

I don't remember what else I sorted like that. Anywho, I guess I'm an organized guy. You can believe that because you can't see my desk.

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