Monday, March 07, 2005

No, it's MY birthday.

So Wild. Today I met someone who's been on earth the exact same amount of time as me, give or take a few hours.

That's strange in and of itself, but the odds of that happening are mindblowing (unless I had a twin).

I met him by selling him beer. Now it's already unlikely that two people with the same birthdate, down to the year, would be in the same building.

He had like 8 cashiers to choose from and he came to my line.

He could have gone to the express line. I wasn't even working express.

He was buying beer, so I had to card him. That's how I found out that we have the exact same birthday. If he wasn't buying alcohol we never would have known.

I sold him the beer 5 minutes before I got off work. A matter of minutes and I might not have met him.

His name is Zack. His birthday is the same as mine. I'll probably never even see him again. But WOW.

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